Monday, November 28, 2005


So this is it. After many a day of mindless surfing, I end up here. Which come to think of it, by either misfortune or interest you have too. On my very own little weblog.
Or mboloblog to be a trifle more precise..

A great future awaits us, have no doubt. Well, quite frankly that might be completely incorrect, but that doesn't really matter. Instead, lets try keep things upbeat now as we start things up. You know, jolly bloggers and all that..

Before we introduce ourselves properly, I think it's fair we lay down some ground rules. You know, to get to know one and other better.

Well actually, I'm still working on these rules so for the time being you'll have to suffice with not knowing me at all. Since you'd probably never even heard of me before you came across this little blog anyway, I'm sure you'll be able to hold your horses until then, won't you..