Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ze lord of ze Ring

This weekend I flew to Germany, in order to take a taxi.

Besides the event relating to the kicking of a leather ball, Germany can also boast having what is internationally known as the fastest taxi in the world. After this weekend, I can therefore conclude two things.

1. The world cup is a fantastic event and the Germans are worthy winners of it (provided they won't get kicked out by Italy, which they just got..) D´oh!
2. The taxi I'm refering to is indeed quite remarkably fast..

This was a birthday present for my brother, and luckily he was well-mannered enough to let me go with him. Unluckily, the two of us were then unwise enough to ask our father to come along too. Not that he's bad company, quite the contrary, it's just that.. well.. he's never been fond of roller coasters. And let me be very clear here.. 9 minutes in the Grüne Hölle is a pretty rough roller coaster.

That's why some of the worlds best drivers come here, with some of the worlds best cars and that's why you'll also find Sabine here. She's the worlds fastest taxi driver.

It's probably the most expensive fare I've ever had to pay, and it didn't even get me anywhere, we ended up where we started. But I can still say it was the most worthwhile taxitrip I've ever taken. Well, at least sober anyways.


Blogger Carl said...

iz diz ze project of za night?

5:04 PM  

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